Thursday, February 16, 2017

Mathematical Functions

Count Sum Average Max Min Large Small

1. Count/CountA/CountBlank

The Count function counts the Numeric values in a range. In below example Count function (Cell B10) returns the value 5, which is count of numeric values in range B1:B8.

The CountA function counts the Numeric & Alphabetical values in a range. CountA function (Cell D10) returns the value 7, which is count of numeric and alphabetical values in range D1:D8.

The CountBlank function counts the Blank cells in a range. CountBlank function (Cell F10) returns the value 1, which is count of blank cells in range F1:F8.

2. Sum

The Sum function sums a range of cells. See below snapshot:

3. Average

The Average function tells us the average of a range. See below snapshot:

4. Max

The Max function tells us the Maximum value in a range. See highlighted value in below snapshot:

5. Min

The Min function tells us the Minimum value in a range. See highlighted value in below snapshot:

6. Large

The Large function tells us the Nth Largest value in a range. In below snapshot, we have found 2nd largest value in the range.

7. Small

The Small function tells us the Nth Smallest value in a range. In below snapshot, we have found 2nd smallest value in the range.

Thanks for learning Mathematical functions, will come soon with different functions.


Download the file : MathematicalFunctions.xlsx

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