Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Sum, SumIf, SumIfs Functions

Sum | SumIf | SumIfs

In this post we will learn Sum function.


The Sum function sums the Numeric values. See below snapshot


The SumIf function sum the Nmeric values based on a criteria. 

SumIf function works two types. See Example 1 & Example 2 in below snapshot.

Example 1. When we need output from a single range. In this example we want the sum of values which are greater than 40.

Example 2. When we need output from 2 ranges but single criteria. In this example, we want the sum of values for "Gautam".


The SumIfs function sums the values based of multiple criteria. In below example we have put 2 criterias "Gautam" & ">=40". You can give more criteria as per your requirement.

If you see below snapshot, Gautam have 3 entries in below snapshot however only 2 values are Greater than 40 (Highlighted in green). Our function has sum only these 2 values.

Thanks for learning Sum functions, will come soon with different functions.


Download the file : Sum/SumIf/SumIfs.xlsx 

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