Saturday, March 25, 2017

Get Unique Values from Data Range - Part 1 (Using default option)

In this post, we will learn how to get Unique values from a Data range.  We will cover 2 ways in this post, next 2 ways we will cover in our next post Get Unique Values from Data Range - Part 2 (Using Function). As a bonus point, we will learn how to get Duplicate values as well in next post.

Scenario: We have a name list in Column A, we want to know how many duplicate values are there in the range. See below image:

Range (A1:A30)

1. Remove Duplicates

Step 1: Copy the data range and paste to the range where you want to get output. Select the entire data range & click on Data in Menu tab, then click on Remove Duplicates under Data Tools

Step 2: You will pop-up window, showing in below snapshot. Click on OK

Step 3: Your output is ready

2. Advanced Filter

Step 1: Select the entire data range & click on Data tab & select Advanced option under Sort & Filter category

Step 2: You will see this pop-up window. Click on 'Copy to another location' & Check on 'Unique records only', give cell reference in Copy to (where you want to get output, e.g. C1 in this example). Click on OK

Step 3: Your output is ready


Download the file : GetUnique-Part1.xlsx

Thanks for learning, will come soon with new post.

Please give your valuable feedback in comment box if it is helpful.

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